Abundance Affirmations And Their Power To Create Change

"The power of intention is the power to manifest, to create, to live a life of unlimited abundance, and to attract into your life the right people at the right moments." Wayne Dyer (Spiritual Guru)

In life we will encounter hardships and we will start doubting ourselves, our lives. We will ask whether it all makes sense, we will wonder what we are really here for. Our faith will be tested and eventually affirmed because of the abundance that pushes us to go through the difficulties of this life. It is our level of belief that generates that amount of abundance that we have access to at any given time. It is not the abundance that is limited, rather it is our refusal to see it that creates our struggle and pain.

Abundance affirms the beauty of lives and reminds us that the ugly parts are only there for a while. Our lives are filled with abundance but we do not access it because of our own desire to not cultivate it. We do not want to accept the gifts of life. We just want the kind of abundance that we believe there is because of what our emotions and thoughts tell us. Creation is a well-spring of abundance and the individual's quest to look for abundance in life is through our experiences of money, love, power, and health.

We are held back by our selfish desires and we fail to see the abundance in our lives. Our minds are darkened by our presumptions and so we fail to see that the universe wants us to be abundant. Our social participations also inhibit our experience abundance. Governments teach us to have a capitalist view on everything and that supply and demand are the controlling factors of this world. That is why people are indebted, because we want to accumulate as many goods and services as we can.

Citizens experience poor health and living conditions but instead of fighting against these, they accept it and therefore inhibit abundance. They can do the opposite by having an open mind and a welcoming attitude towards abundance. By obtaining information about it, we can receive abundance all the more.

The Bible says that if we seek, we will find. Attracting abundance relies on this saying. If we seek to know abundance, we will attract it towards ourselves.

Our creativity and intellect should be geared towards a life filled with abundance. Avoid procrastinating and keep yourself healthy. Spend time for yourself because poor health hinders you from living a life of abundance and well-being. Assert yourself and you will get closer to abundance.

The approach to abundance affirmation is to achieve a balance between physical well-being, financial well-being, spiritual well-being and relationship well-being. Eating healthy, managing your financial resources through intelligent investments, spending quality time with yourself, by being one with the universe or God and spending quality time with friends and family. Sustainable success will result when compassion, love, care and understanding for self and other fellow beings is attained.

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