3 Ways To Crush it With Teleseminars

Hosting a teleseminar? Here's an quick and easy checklist ot follow each time you host a live or automated teleseminar.

Step 1: Create Your Title

Before creating a call and blasting "something" out and attracting people you need to have a focus and a good hook to get people to show up on your calls. If it's a boring sounding headline like "Ways to Save Money" ... guess what? The crickets are a comin'. But on the flip side if it's something like " 10 Ways To Save $599 Dollars Today " my guess is your call will be packed!

So create a killer title that gets people excited. No broing dull stuff here.

Step 2: Create Your Registration Page

What is your goal for this teleseminar? Is it to get more cusomters, more leads, more exposure? So to start building a list, you need to create a sign up page that captures, at a minimum, their name, and email address so you can follow up with them via email. Text messaging is a great way to notifiy your registered attendee's that it's going live soon.

On your registration page, you want to have a big bold promise , a a sub-headline that says what else they will learn , some body copy giving the visitor a reason why to attend the call, what they are going to learn , a call to action (ie: sign up now!), and your registration form to gather their name and email.

Step 3: Create Your "Thank You Page"

Finally, you want to create the "thanks" page. This is the page that the new registered person will see to get their call in information. If you want to confirm their email address using a double opt-in confirmation, you'll want to guide them to check their email to get the call-in information.

You can also offer an upsell at this point. Since they have already raised their hand saying, "I'm interested in this topic ", why not offer them something that they can buy right there to "do their homework" before the call even starts.

It's a money maker.

That's a simple checklist of things you need to start your teleseminar, generating leads, customers, and in the end growing your business. Find out more how to make more money using automating teleseminar and to do teleseminar marketing.

How to use conversation and hypnosis to improve your life

Conversational Hypnosis - How to Use Conversational Hypnosis to Improve Your Life

Conversational hypnosis (additionally referred to as Neuro Linquistic Programming - NLP) is a collection of methods to swiftly connect or develop rapport with someone and sway their behavior, desires, and actions to carry out just what you want by conversing with their subconscious mind. However , I'm certain what you care about most is discovering just how to make use of conversational hypnosis for you to considerably enhance your life. Within this article, I will present a few methods you can utilize conversational hypnosis and methods that actually have already been used by other people.

Simply stated, you can make use of conversational hypnosis methods to attain just about anything that needs other people to perform something. This can not be applied on inanimate things (e.g., in order to win the lottery), to cure disease, to change yourself, or anything else that does not involve other people. However, if you would like someone else to perform something... or not do something... that is exactly what these methods are all about.

To make use of these techniques, all you have to do is communicate with the person you want to take action. You can communicate silently, by talking in person, by talking over the phone, or in writing (e.g., in letters, e-mail, web pages, and even mobile phone texting). The following is a listing of things you can accomplish whenever you make use of conversational hypnosis:

    * Get your employer to offer you a raise or promotion
    * Take charge in an interview to obtain a new job
    * To inspire and also command staff members, co-workers, superiors, customers, suppliers, and partners
    * Get hold of more dates and have enjoyable, fulfilling relationships
    * Repair your marriage; re-kindle the romance
    * Get your kids to willingly perform their tasks and homework
    * Strike up conversations with anyone including complete strangers
    * Get your rent payments lowered
    * Get your tenants to pay the rent
    * Get discounts when purchasing cars, houses, or nearly anything else
    * Establish brand new business relationships
    * Get more sales opportunities and also close more sales
    * Obtain better terms when negotiating
    * Get rid of aggravation, dissatisfaction, and pain from your life

As stated earlier, in the event that you would like anything that requires someone else to do something... or not do something... that is specifically when you will want to use conversational hypnosis.

Hypnosis and Low Self Esteem

During those difficult periods in our lives, we can use hypnosis to plant the seed of a thought into our subconscious mind and stop the issue from troubling us.  A lot of people use hypnosis for weight loss,  stop nail biting - even to overcome their fear of heights! 

But it can be used to change the way we look at life, boosting our self-esteem and bolstering our confidence.  There are so many self-help products available you can make use of to build your self esteem, but suppose those methods aren’t working?

Will hypnosis be successful where others have failed?  Hypnosis can put an idea into your subconscious mind to alter your fears, so that after the session, you just simply get on with life without having the anxiety interfere. 

If you need to build your self-esteem, hypnotherapy can aide you by simply building stepping-stones to a more confident life.  It’s not as easy as just listening to some self-hypnosis CDs and you have great self-esteem – you have to apply what you learn to your interaction with others and build on the new thoughts so that they become the norm.

There are some hypno-therapists who specialize in self-help issues.  But there is the option of doing it yourself, without the help from a professional hypnotist. If you decide to see a professional, they may counsel you before performing hypnosis.

Can anyone be hypnotized? Each person is different. It’s a well documented fact that  anybody who is open to it, can be hypnotized - and those who aren’t open to it, won’t be. Hypnotherapy simply places  the person in a relaxed, trance-like state and then introducing new thought patterns into the mind.

If you’re doubtful of the entire situation, you may never be able to get into a amenable state of mind .

Hypnosis is a great way to help people remove any negative thoughts and influences that hinder their  need to feel great about themselves.  We really should replace these negative thought patterns so that we’re fair to ourselves and allow our good qualities to shine through.  It can diminish the anxiety we feel when we suddenly think we’re simply not clever enough or bright enough to achieve our goals.

We all have hidden doubts and fears, but by using hypnosis, we are able to eliminate many of them and make space for positive thoughts to command our minds and lead us to a more  fearless and optimistic outlook on life. Don't worry be happy.

Finally, An Anti Fog Product That Works; C-Clear Anti Fog Gel and Spray

This is off the subject of fear of public speaking, but when you find good products, I think you should let everyone know about it.

I ride a mountain bike and wear eyeglasses. My eyeglasses fog up when I am on a long ride. So I am constantly looking for a good anti fog product.

I think I have tried all of the anti fog products on the market today. None have worked up until I found this product C-Clear. They make a gel and a liquid that comes in easy to use spray bottles.

The gel works the best for me. The spray is good for cleaning my eyeglasses and bike helmet but the gel has the strength I need for my fogging problem. Anyone that has a fogging problem like myself understands the need to prevent it.

I also cannot believe the product is actually made here in the USA! But it is. In Las Vegas, Nevada I might add.

So check out their website and products at: C-Clear_Anti_Fog


These Audios Can Change Your Lifeā€¦


Have you ever heard of brainwave audios before?

Me either...or at least until recently when my friend Greg Frost introduced them to me. It is scientifically proven that these special type of audios can be used to influence your brain into specific 'states'. For example they can be used to...

1)    Increase Motivation
2)    Increase Energy
3)    Increase Focus
4)    Increase Creativity
5)    Increase Learning
6)    Increase Happiness
7)    Increase Relaxation
8)    Reduce Stress
9)    Stop Panic Attacks

And so much more.

I Was Sceptical Before Too...


However, scientific research has revealed that many dynamic thought leaders, scholars and the most intelligent people share similar brainwave frequencies and display distinct peak brain states while engaged in mental tasks.

So I decided to take the first step and try some titles out. And I must admit, I've seen amazing improvement in certain aspects of my life.

I could really go on and on about the wonderful technology that my friend Greg Frost has been using to help thousands of others…but I think it’d be best if you check it out for yourself.

I’m not asking you to do anything drastic. Just spare 3 minutes and take a look at the link below to experience this incredible technology for yourself. I guarantee that you’ll be bowled over.


Remember… ‘Choice’…not ‘chance’ determines destiny. It is within your own power to change your life today.

Yours Truly,