Discovering What Inspires You

It might seem obvious to most that finding what motivates you is a simple process, but what is sometimes obvious and right in front of you, can at the same time be also oblivious and well hidden. Haven't you experienced something simple like you simply aren't able to pick up where is the container even though it is just right in front of you?. Similarly, we do have talents that are hidden but undiscovered, only waiting for be found. Unfortunately for many of us, this could never really happen, even in one's whole life.

Well, in your perspective, in could be nothing out of the blue to find things that motivates you in life; it's just piece of puzzle in your life. Yet, to some people, it could be the humble and monotonous events in the life and we got to bite the bullet to accept them. You may not require more things in life, and the simple explanation being you are grateful and happy enough to be motivated by the kind of things that you embark on. In short, raising up your family in the best possible manner and devoting a lot of quality family time like going for family travel a couple of times a year. There is so much more in finding what motivates you and in doing so, making your life much more complete.

Well, I do understand there are kind of acitivities in many person's lives that reward them with a short quick spurts of motivation. However, these vagaries soon slip into the back alleys of their memories. This can vary from an achievement in sport, a lucky win at the casino or from any kind of windfall received. I think that such motivations are not related to a person's inherent talents or knowhow. You may need to dip in more to understand your genuine passions or talents. When you begin to do so, only then will you begin finding what motivates you.

A whole new world can be opened up when we realise our passion and interests and what can be accomplished by them. When there is purpose to what we are pursuing, there is real fire in the belly and through this, motivation can reach sky high. You will wake up each and every morning with a new zest for life and look forward to what each each day brings. It is no longer a forced motivation that it was perhaps previously, but natural in every way. It will no longer be a toil to finding what motivates you, as your natural self motivation carries you on to your very next success.

Follow this link to learn more about Maria Duval, a famous psychic and self improvement guru.

The Matrixx With Bob-Proctor

For more then forty years Bob-Proctor has focused his entire agenda around helping people create lives of lush prosperity, rewarding relationships and spiritual knowingness.  Subsequently to working with his real-life mentors, Earl Nightingale and Lloyd Conant , Bob 's own seminar company was established. He travels the world now training people how to believe in and act upon the greatness of their own mind. His client list includes Metropolitan Life Insurance, Prudential Insurance Company of America, Malaysia Airlines and Remax Real Estate to name a few.

Bob Proctor is one of the most sought-after speakers in the world for professional coaching and corporate seminars. A primary teacher in the wildly popular film, The Secret, Bob is an elite master in consulting individuals and business organizations into greater success, consistent riches and rapid, advancing change.

 An exceedingly illustrious teacher for more than 40 years, he is the best-selling author of You Were Born Rich and has transformed the lives of millions through his seminars, corporate and personal coaching seminars, courses and books.

As Doug Wead, former Special Assistant to the President of the United States so eloquently stated, "Zig Ziglar may be the master motivator, Mark Victor Hansen and Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul, the master story tellers; Anthony Robbins may be the guru of personal development, but Bob Proctor is the master thinker. When it comes to systematizing life, no one can touch him."

Bob's most recent success,  Bob Proctor, offers man-to-man consulting and teaching to individuals who are prepared to move their lives forward at an accelerated rate. The elite event occurs once quarterly and is reserved to a modest group of people to procure one-on-one direction and focus from Bob Proctor and his personal business circle of experts.

To make changes in our lives is not an easy process, reaching out to someone as knowledgeable and successful as Bob Proctor can only speed up the process.  Whether you wish to improve you physical or mental health, invest in real estate or create an internet marketing strategy that you will stick to, Bob Proctor will guide you to success.

3 Ways To Crush it With Teleseminars

Hosting a teleseminar? Here's an quick and easy checklist ot follow each time you host a live or automated teleseminar.

Step 1: Create Your Title

Before creating a call and blasting "something" out and attracting people you need to have a focus and a good hook to get people to show up on your calls. If it's a boring sounding headline like "Ways to Save Money" ... guess what? The crickets are a comin'. But on the flip side if it's something like " 10 Ways To Save $599 Dollars Today " my guess is your call will be packed!

So create a killer title that gets people excited. No broing dull stuff here.

Step 2: Create Your Registration Page

What is your goal for this teleseminar? Is it to get more cusomters, more leads, more exposure? So to start building a list, you need to create a sign up page that captures, at a minimum, their name, and email address so you can follow up with them via email. Text messaging is a great way to notifiy your registered attendee's that it's going live soon.

On your registration page, you want to have a big bold promise , a a sub-headline that says what else they will learn , some body copy giving the visitor a reason why to attend the call, what they are going to learn , a call to action (ie: sign up now!), and your registration form to gather their name and email.

Step 3: Create Your "Thank You Page"

Finally, you want to create the "thanks" page. This is the page that the new registered person will see to get their call in information. If you want to confirm their email address using a double opt-in confirmation, you'll want to guide them to check their email to get the call-in information.

You can also offer an upsell at this point. Since they have already raised their hand saying, "I'm interested in this topic ", why not offer them something that they can buy right there to "do their homework" before the call even starts.

It's a money maker.

That's a simple checklist of things you need to start your teleseminar, generating leads, customers, and in the end growing your business. Find out more how to make more money using automating teleseminar and to do teleseminar marketing.

These Audios Can Change Your Lifeā€¦


Have you ever heard of brainwave audios before?

Me either...or at least until recently when my friend Greg Frost introduced them to me. It is scientifically proven that these special type of audios can be used to influence your brain into specific 'states'. For example they can be used to...

1)    Increase Motivation
2)    Increase Energy
3)    Increase Focus
4)    Increase Creativity
5)    Increase Learning
6)    Increase Happiness
7)    Increase Relaxation
8)    Reduce Stress
9)    Stop Panic Attacks

And so much more.

I Was Sceptical Before Too...

However, scientific research has revealed that many dynamic thought leaders, scholars and the most intelligent people share similar brainwave frequencies and display distinct peak brain states while engaged in mental tasks.

So I decided to take the first step and try some titles out. And I must admit, I've seen amazing improvement in certain aspects of my life.

I could really go on and on about the wonderful technology that my friend Greg Frost has been using to help thousands of others…but I think it’d be best if you check it out for yourself.

I’m not asking you to do anything drastic. Just spare 3 minutes and take a look at the link below to experience this incredible technology for yourself. I guarantee that you’ll be bowled over.

Remember… ‘Choice’…not ‘chance’ determines destiny. It is within your own power to change your life today.

Yours Truly,

Action List to Overcome the Fear of Public Speaking

Steps to overcome the fear of public speaking

There are several steps of tricks to use to overcome the fear of making a mistake or looking foolish when you speak to a group:

  1. Be well-prepared before speaking to a group
  2. Practice your speech. Practice, practice, practice
  3. Have a backup, in case you forget what you want to say
  4. Reduce the fear of your audience
  5. Relax yourself just before you speak

We will cover each of these points in the following posts.
